Tips for Getting a Perfect Color Match
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The wrong shade of color can make even the most beautiful skin look off. Too light of a shade ...
3 Skincare Resolutions for 2022
I feel like 2021 just got started, and here we are already wrapping up another year! As we reflect over the last year and look forward to 2022, I want you to think about 3 skincare goals you can make for yourself. Three small steps you can incorporate or habits you can make that can help induce self-care, improve your skin and positively impact your sense of self-worth.
Here are a few ideas for you that would make a great New Year's Skincare Resolution.
A Solo Esthetician and Her Dream Team
A successful business owner is only as good as her team who helps run the show. As a solo Esty (that's me, a Licensed Esthetician) I've spent years doing all the ins and outs of my small business. To say I was burning the candle at both ends was an understatement.